| | | Lets Play Europe / Founding the Aarhus Bumball Club This project is carried out together with Idrætshøjskolen i Århus and LetsPlay. ACC took the task of doing a short introduction on "how to found an organisation" to the students at the NGO Youth Leadership Education at Idrætshøjskolen i Århus. The programme took place from March 9th to 11th in Aarhus. Prior to this programme, Bumball was demonstrated to the students by Søren Maribo from LetsPlay.
Participants in the programme were Ewa Bobowska, Karolina Karwicka, Maciej Hartfil, Liisa Pihu, Marcis Vanadzins and Aivars Buris.
Find right here the result and a sign in form, if you or your organisation are interested in taking part in the statutory meeting of the Aarhus Bumball Club....
What is Bumball? | 
| This high-intensity game calls for both smiles and a good atmosphere. Apart from being a fun and different alternative to traditional games, the game development aspect is unique and therefore unknown to most people. The equipment and balls of the game can be introduced to players, after which they are left to make up the rules. There is no "fixed answer" to the final game.
Bumball is an eminent icebreaking game for international events.
We, the participants of the NGO Youth Leadership Education, at Idrætshøjskolen Aarhus, are about to create the first club in the history of Bumball.
We hope that you also got interested in it and want to help building up the fundament of this fun game. If you or your organisation want to be member and part of the statutory general assembly, please fill in the form below.
Aarhus Bumball ClubPlease sign in, if you are interested in being among the founders and first members of the Aarhus Bumball Club (ABC)
There is a form RIGHT HERE for individuals as well as a form RIGHT HERE for organisations.
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Whenever the interest seem to be sufficiently high, the Statutory General Assembly of the Aarhus Bumball Club is going to take place at Idrætshøjskolen i Aarhus.
The statutes/by-laws we propose for the Aarhus Bumball Club are downloadable below.
Find out more about the game in itself at www.letsplay.dk
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