Teambuilding in the garden |
Barna presenting the FECC or something... |
Some preparing real big projects |
|  | A web of connections, multiple bridges crossing Europe linking ideas, plans, inspiration sparks, initiatives, methods, useful questions, identification of gaps, proposals, tools to move on, surprises, valuable doubts and powerful certainties: all elements of the highly dynamic Bridging Community Colleges one-week meeting in Sopron, Hungary. “Bridging Community Colleges” (BCC) took place from the 2nd to the 9th of November 2003 offering a unique –long anticipated from many in ACC- opportunity to connect good practice from previous Community Colleges, exchange ideas for future activities, use each other as resources and sounding boards, share learning and plan together.
15 participants/ ACC members from Estonia, Portugal, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Latvia, Greece, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, the U.K. and Denmark created a highly participative team which introduced topics, processed, debated and provided constructive feedback on new ideas and existing project plans. Team working proved to be exemplar in this event with discussions and interaction being truly valuable in terms of further planning and action. Drawing upon successful past events -Transylvania Community College (I and II) and Europe of Rights Community College I in Italy in particular- the group developed an impressively broad range of aspects of projects including: topics, geographical coverage, information sources, important web resources, technical expertise (i.e. application procedures), methodology and event structure, organisation, management, communication and contacts, production of publications, fund raising and budget allocation/management, multiplying and dissemination, promotion and evaluation. Outcomes were rich in terms of creating knowledge and experience and benefiting from stimulating discussions but also tangible as a CD-ROM, resource tool was produced at the end of the event. This contains useful information and examples of tools (proposals, project descriptions, communication tools, templates, reports of previous Community Colleges, key-procedures, funding applications, ACC processes, website features etc.), which can be incredibly useful from step 1 throughout the development of a Community College.