
21st Board Meeting
Casa Cares - Reggello (Italy)
August 11th 2003

1) Constituting of the board
2) Introduction to the new board members
3) Calendar of upcoming activities
4) A.O.B.

1) Constituting of the board
John Petersen chairs the meeting and informs the board that after the ACC General Assembly it is the role of the board to constitute itself.

Following this statement the board is constituted as follows:

John Petersen, Chairman
Conchi Gallego, Deputy Vice-Chair
Jan Cristoph Napierski, Treasurer
Mjellma Mehmeti, Secretary
Linda Jakobsone, board member
Eva Valvo, board member
Dasa Bolcina, board member
Laszlo Dani, substitute
Emma Yeoman, substitute

It is decided that all necessary legal changes linked to the new positions in the board will be done by the chairman in the coming weeks.

John Petersen on behalf of the board thanks the outgoing board members Agota Illyes and Siebren de Boer for their work and dedication during their respective mandates. It also welcomes the new members and wishes them all the best and good work for the coming two years.

2) Introduction to the new board members
The board decides to do the introduction to the new board members step by step. First of all they are encouraged to read some of the documents of the organisation, available on the website. Specially the report from the Evaluation Seminar held on September 2002 and the Work Plan for the year 2003.
They are encouraged to participate in the upcoming events so they will start learning more about the organisation.
Laszlo Dani takes pictures of the new board members and the board as a whole to upload them to the website. He also takes their e-mail addresses that will be updated in the Yahoo Group.

3) Calendar of upcoming events
John revises briefly the calendar so the board will include it in their agenda. The first activity to come is a seminar to be held in Snoghoj Folkehojskole on September 27th. Eva Valvo will not be present due to other organisational commitments.
John also informs about the upcoming celebration of the Bridging Community Colleges project in October-November. He will keep the board updated about it.

4) AOB
There are no other businesses.

The meeting is closed.

Conchi Gallego
Reggello, August 12th 2003

This site identifies and attests skills, knowledge and competences obtained through the learning and living together format of a European Community College and/or similar formats

Act on European Community Colleges - Unofficial Journal of the European Communities

The Association for Community Colleges (ACC) was the 2004 recipient of the Organisational Development Network's Outstanding Global Work award...

Mjellma Mehmeti, board member of the ACC was awarded by the Heinz-Schwartzkopf-Stiftung 'Young European of the Year 2002'