

11-10-04 Training Kit
Enclosed you will find 6 different Training Kits (T-Kit), which are products of a partnership agreement on European youth worker training run by the Council of Europe and the European Commission. The T-Kits are providing theoretical and practical tools to work with and use when working with young people. At the end of each T-kit there is a resource section with bibliography and links to relevant websites.

T-Kit on “European Citizenship”: European Citizenship is a high priority in the partnership agreement on European youth worker training. Education for European Citizenship will have to ensure that the development of a European identity is based on attitudes of respect. The aim of the T-Kit is to help people who are working with young people in Europe to develop activities on the theme of European Citizenship. The T-Kit provides a theoretical part including a historical overview of the European Citizenship, a critical look at contemporary approaches on the topic, presents the impact from globalisation, the enlargement of the European Union, etc. A practical part including stories of different practices and reflections on why they were successful on the occasion.

T-Kit on “Intercultural Learning”: This T-Kit will help you to come to your own conclusions about intercultural learning in theory and in practice within the framework of youth work and training. The T-Kit provides you with some theories on different ways of looking at the context and the importance of intercultural learning, some summaries of theories in order to understand the bases of intercultural learning, tips for working out intercultural methodologies, relevant methods and models of how to run thematic workshops.

T-Kit on “Project Management”: Projects are being considered as a tool for social change and they play a central role in all youth work. For this reason the management of projects has become a necessary skill for youth organisers. Project management requires a variety of skills; communication skills, fundraising skills, etc. This T-Kit provides you with some main elements relevant for international youth projects such as general reflections on the role of projects in youth work, clarification on project management within the context of youth work, a framework to guide the development of youth work projects and thoughts on the European dimension of projects.

T-Kit on “Social inclusion”: The main aim of this T-Kit is to provide a conceptual and practical tool to help youth workers being inclusive by reaching out to excluded young people and engaging them in projects. The T-kit includes different approaches on peer education, conflict management and a practical part with exercises related to the theory.

T-Kit on “Training Essentials”: This T-Kit has the aim of asking the very important question of how one is to devise the educational process for exploring and working with various subjects. The target group of this T-Kit is people working within a European framework in a multicultural team. The T-Kit includes views on different ways of training; training in context, training in teams, training in motion training in action and after training.

T-Kit on “Organisational Management”: This last T-Kit seeks to encourage the development of well-managed youth organisations across Europe. The T-Kit consists of 4 parts each containing some theoretical background, analysis and specific exercises. The T-Kit includes chapters on organisational culture, managing self, managing people and the management of processes.