High level honorary board |  | |
Artist BJØRN NØRGAARD, Minister Councillor BERNHARD BRAUMANN (Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Copenhagen), Minister for Education BERTEL HAARDER (Venstre) (Denmark), Member of Danish Parliament BRITTA SCHALL-HOLBERG (Venstre) (Ebberup), Member of Danish Parliament CHRISTINE ANTORINI (Socialdemokraterne), Member of Danish Parliment CLAUS LARSEN-JENSEN (Socialdemokraterne)(Chairman of European Affairs Committee), President ERIK BOEL (Danish European Movement), Former Minister for Culture(DK) GRETHE ROSTBØLL, Ex-Folk High School Principal FREDERIK CHRISTENSEN (Kerteminde), Member of Danish Parliament ANNE GRETE HOLMSGAARD (Socialistisk Folkeparti), Farmer, Project-coordinator ANDREAS ÅBLING (Stadebjerggård), Author ASGER BAUNSBAK-JENSEN (Farum), HANNE DAHL (Junibevægelsen), Chair of Board HANS ANDERSEN (Middelfart), Member of Danish Parliament HELLE THORNING-SCHMIDT (Socialdemokraterne), Former Minister/Commissioner, H.E. HELLE DEGN, MEP HENRIK DAM KRISTENSEN (Socialdemokraterne), Associate Professor JAN IFVERSEN (University of Aarhus), Director JAKOB ERLE (International Academy for Education and Democracy), Secretary-General KNUD-ERIK THERKELSEN (Grænseforeningen), Director LARS KOLIND (Brædstrup), Associate Professor LISANNE WILKEN (University of Aarhus), MEP MARGRETHE AUKEN (Socialistisk Folkeparti), Vice-chair ELDR JOHANNES LEBECH (European Social Liberal), Chairman JØRGEN OLSEN (Nordic Academy initiative), Associate Professor KIRSTEN GOMARD (University of Aarhus), Member of Danish Parliament MARGRETHE VESTAGER (Radikale Venstre), Member of Danish Parliment NASER KHADER (Radikale Venstre), Member of Danish Parliment NIELS HELVEG PETERSEN (Radikale Venstre), Ex-Folk High School Principal NIELS HØJLUND, Professor, AWE-president OVE KORSGAARD (Danish University of Education), Author POUL ENGBERG (Askov), Jean Monnet professor, Director UFFE ØSTERGÅRD (Department for Holocaust and Genocide Studies), Member of Danish Parliament VILLLY SØVNDAL (Socialistisk Folkeparti) |  |  | | European civil society | 
| I am pleased to inform you that the Youth Forum considers your initiative a valuable one and are pleased that you include us as one of the supporters of ACC's project for a European Community College. We wish you the best success for this initiave and please keep us informed of the developments (Ana Felgueiras, Head of the Policy and Youth Work Department of the European Youth Forum). |
"I would like to express my support for this great initiative which is the First European Community College (FECC). [...] such an initiative could constitute an extremely fruitful and useful alternative educational tool." (Amana de Sousa Ferro, Amnesty International - Portugal)
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| Young European Media Professionals (YEMP) |
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| "I would like to use this opportunity and congratulate you on the wonderful initiative, and would like to inform you that we also believe that the Nordic Folk High School system might be very useful for the region we are coming form.." (Albert Musliu, Exec.Dir., Association for Democratic Intiatives, FYR Macedonia).
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| "...we look forward to the successful evolution and realization of your concept of a European Community College..." (R.Sampatkumar, Secretary General, International Society for Human Values - Switzerland).
| "Of course, we would be glad to assist you in this important initiative if we can" (Sergei Stafeev, Development director, Russian Community Education Development Centre (RCEDC, www.communities.org.ru/rcedc))
| "From the beginning I would like to congratulate to everybody that is working on this concept of European Community College. The reasons I like this initiative are: I would like to be part of a broader picture of EU and commit some time on it and for it..." (Albert Hani, Centre for Management of Conflicts - FYR Macedonia).
| Institute for International Assistance and Solidarity (IFIAS) www.ifias.net | "..thank you for your invitation to become part of the network of supporters of the First European Community College (FECC). We will be happy to help you for development of this idea." (Stoyka Bakalova, President of the National Forum API, Bulgaria)
| "We have read with interest the description of the network of supporters of the First European Community College (FECC). As shown.., we send you enclosed our logo ...to show our support." (Alex Tanase - Project Manager - MCC-BSUF - Romania) |
| "It would be a sin not, which couldnt be forgiven me, not to support such a great initiative as FECC is..." (Martina Cujova, Centro Andaluz de Iniciativas Internacionales)
| "I am very glad to hear about such initiative and I am very interested to become part of the network of supporters of the First European Community College (FECC). Thank you for your invitation." (Vugar Ahmadov, Azerbaijani-American Youth Social Association)
| "I would like to express my support to your effort and also our willingness to join the community." (Sulev Valdmaa, Jaan Tõnnison Institute, Estonia, www.jti.ee)
| Belizarie Foundation, Bucharest, Romania
| "Your project sounds quite interesting, of course we are going to support it." (Nous Temps, Joan Masferrer Oliveras)
| "We would like to congratulate you on your venture to establish the First European Community College (FECC). We were not fully aware of this effort and are tremendously excited to see it materialize" (Cypriot Students and Young Scientists Organisation, www.isxys.org)
"We recieved your kind email and would be very happy to cooperate with you and be the member of the Network." (Guria Youth Resource Center, Georgia). "We surely wish to participate... We think your initiative is great" (European Extenstion, Bernd Radtke, Belgium)
| Kestavaa Kehitysta Ekologisesti
"I'm very glad to hear from you. I'd like to say that my organization - ADISAD Law Company is always ready to collaborate with ACC. We receive your invitation and are ready to become part of the network of supporters of the First European Community College (FECC)." (Ms Selcan Mammadli, Azerbaijan)  | 
| "we are happy to support your initiative for European Community Colleges.We believe that it is vital for all young people to experience 'Europe' and much can be gained if they learn and live together" (Thomas VOLLMER, Youth and European Social Work - Y.E.S. FORUM (EEIG)).
| "...I would like to state the support of EEE-YFU for the First European Community College, and wish you all the best in the preparations" (Åsa Söderström, Director of EEE-YFU).
| Young Europeans for Security
| "After reading the papers You have sent to us, we think that the opening of the FECC is going to bring progress to civil society. That is why we are fully supporting your action and hope that it will be successful. Chairman of the Board, Vladen Jeremic.”
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| Coordination Committee of Iliosporoi |
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| EuroClub Galych - Youth Public Organization |
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| Kunsill Studenti Universitarji