| | | Periods of Reflection. Annual 2006-7 of the ACC
By the ACC International Programme Office
EAN 978-87-91372-08-7 |  | |  | Report of the year 2006-7 of the ACC.
Quote from Lucie Cížková: "The essence of learning for European co-citizenship should be the commitment to the process of peaceful democratic dialogue and discussion, allowing each individual to venture on a path of questioning, defining, doubting, redefining and co-defining his or her identity within a community of European co-citizens."
Europe, Let's focus. Annual 2005 ot the ACC
By the ACC International Programme Office
ISBN 87-91372-07-0 EAN 978-87-91372-07-0 |  | |  | Report of the year 2005 of the ACC.
Quote from E.O. Eriksen: "From a normative point of view legitimacy can only be achieved in a deliberative, public process between free and equal citizens. This is so because what is common will have to be decided in public and not prior to it."
Learning and Living Together. Annual 2004 of the ACC.
By the ACC International Programme Office.
ISBN 87-91372-05-4 EAN 978-87-91372-05-6 |  | |  | Report of the year 2004, the year of Learning and Living Together.
Quote from Chinese proverb: "Tell me, I will forget. Show me, I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand."
Bridging Community Colleges. Annual 2003 of the ACC.
By the ACC International Programme Office.
ISBN 87-91372-04-6 EAN 978-87-91372-04-9 |  | |  | Report of the year 2003, the year of Bridging Community Colleges.
Quote from William Blake:"Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive; easy to govern, but impossible to enslave"
Youth 2002. Annual 2002 of the ACC.
By the ACC International Programme Office.
ISBN 87-91372-03-8 EAN 978-87-91372-03-2 |  | |  | Report of the year 2002, including the main project Youth 2002.
Quote from Jean Monnet:"Peace is not just a matter of treaties and undertakings. It depends essentially on the creations of conditions which, although they will never change human nature, give a peaceful direction to human relationships."
Schools for Europe. Annual 2001 of the ACC.
By the ACC International Programme Office
ISBN 87-91372-01-1 EAN 978-87-91372-01-8 |  | |  | Report of the year 2001 of the ACC.
From the foreword: "Websites, information services and libraries on European issues are emerging everywhere. Our experience is that it is not enough to have only these initaitives. We need room for the debate about Europe." (John Petersen, chairman ACC)
Campaigning for Community Colleges. Annual 2000 of the ACC.
By the ACC International Programme Office
ISBN 87-91372-00-3 EAN 978-87-91372-00-1 |  | |  | Report of the Campaign for Community Colleges project and the year 1999 and 2000 of the ACC.
From the foreword: "Our association is only a piece in a huge puzzle in which more and more people will realize that common debate and knowledge of each other in a still more integrated Europe is a simple necessity." (John Petersen, chairman ACC) |
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